Monday, January 4, 2010

Books, Chords, Minimalism

The time for resolution is here!

Large goals:

I resolve to read (at least) 52 books this year. That is one book a week.
In addition, I resolve to write reviews of these 52 books.

Incremental goals:
I resolve to play my guitar every day, even if all I do is pick it up and strum it once.
I resolve to go to the gym at least once a week, even if all I do is use one machine.

Vague, philosophical goals:
I resolve to embrace minimalism in my life!

1 comment:

  1. I love books and reviews. I read your first review of the one book you read. I have no comment on it though. I hope all goes well in your book a week endeavors. I hope to get near to that as well. Have fun at the gym too!!
